Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Broermann Medical Innovation Award recognizes groundbreaking discoveries and / or innovations in the medical field that have significantly impacted healthcare, research, or patient outcomes. It is awarded annually to an individual or team whose work exemplifies excellence and transformative potential.

The award is open to researchers, scientists, or medical professionals worldwide who have made an exceptional contribution to the advancement of medicine. Nominees can include individuals or collaborative teams.

Nominations can be submitted by leading scientific institutions, universities, research institutes and personalities from the fields of medicine and science.

Self-nominations aren’t accepted.

You can download the submission form here. The complete application must be send to this email address:

  • CV of the nominee (max. 2 pages).
  • The nominator must include a full description of the scientific discovery made by the nominee(s), the innovative nature of this discovery and its potential to improve healthcare and medical treatment (max. 2 pages).
  • In addition, key publications (max. 5) and, if applicable, patents or applications must be submitted.
  • Suggestions for experts.

Winners are selected through an evaluation process by an expert jury composed of leading professionals in medicine, research, and healthcare innovation. The evaluation criteria include scientific merit, innovation, impact, and potential for future advancements

The award recognizes significant contributions across all areas of medicine, but with a specific focus on research that has the potential to be translated into clinical practice. Each year, we aim to highlight projects that can improve treatments, advance new therapies, or lead to meaningful changes in patient outcomes.

The winner(s) will receive a monetary prize of 1 Million Euro.

Nominations must be submitted by March 1st of the current year. In justified cases, later submissions may be considered.

The Broermann Medical Innovation Award is supported by the Broermann Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH and aims to celebrate innovation in healthcare. Our sponsors share a commitment to advancing medical research and improving lives.

The ceremony will be held at the end of the current year at the Hessian State Chancellery. The recipient / s will be given the award by the currently acting Minister President of Hesse.

Follow us on social media for the latest news about the award, the ceremony, and updates on medical research.